Lanelle Keyes
Contemporary Jewelry

Bound by Tradition | Series
Jewelry is collaboration. It is art in the hands of the maker, but becomes experience as the wearer embraces it and transforms their identity as well as that of the jewelry. Pristine on the wall, in the case, it changes to accommodate a new narrative. The history embedded in the work by the maker is transcribed, certain intonations changed – new story lines emerge. It is meant to be worn and is activated by its intended site -- yet that activation negates the full intent of the artist. Making – dialog – writing – meaning – retold through the position on the body, through viewer interaction with the wearer, through tradition. It now contains shaded meanings, yet they are complementary as jewelry is collaboration.

Gilt | Series
Auratura -- glistening, alluring -- draw me in with your thin layer of preciousness. Deception hides truth, creates desire for surface not substance. Is material more meaningful than form or idea – is it a guarantee of value?

Ferrous | Series
Iron - strength - stability - fragility - forever - never
Using traditional methods I explore the metaphoric use of material. Using simple gestures in a repetitive structure I strive to enhance a material’s beauty through symbolism. . My work seeks to create a tension between the inherent symbolism of iron, forcing the wearer to seek a balance between the physical and metaphorical weight of the piece.